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Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Aim Assist Ps4

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4


GamePack Author(s): x22DOT

Compatible CronusMAX Firmware: 1.24+

Compatible Controllers: Dualshock 4, Dualshock 3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Wii U Pro

Compatible Systems: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Microsoft Windows

GamePack Support: Click Here

Cronus Discord Channel: Click Here

Toggle Cheat Sheet: Click Here

The Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 GamePack features every major FPS Mod in the toolbox. an exclusive Auto Heal feature and a new powerful Aim Correction Mod, coupled with the popular Anti-Recoil Control System v2. Other essential Assault options include Rapid Fire, Burst Fire, Drop Shot, Jump Shot, Side Shot, Auto Sprint, and Hair Triggers. All the different default button layouts are also supported, including Tactical, Lefty, NOM4D, Charlie, One Hand Gun Slinger, Bumper Jumper, Bumper Jumper Tactical, and Stick and Move - as well as all Bumper/Trigger swap variants. We will not be responsible for all the complaints you're going to get for using this monster!

Special thanks to Batts for his help on this GamePack.

We also invite you to join the Cronus Discord Channel - setup and run by members of the Cronus Community. There are several channels dedicated to GamePacks which offer live support and feedback, including direct support from senior members of the Cronus Community. Use this link to join our server:

GamePack GCI Options

All GamePacks have Mods that can be tuned and customized to your preference. This scripting engine is what makes the CronusMAX so powerful and extremely popular with the gaming community. Gaming Mod configuration is now made more accessible than ever before with the new GCI (GamePack Configuration Interface) . It pops up as soon as you program the GamePack to your Cronus ( Video ). Some Mods can be directly enabled/disabled here, and some are disabled in-game by default, but have several available options that can be set here and then enabled or activated while in-game.

GamePack Setup - Important First Steps

If you have a CronusMAX PLUS, open the Cronus PRO software and go to Tools > Options > CMax Plus and enable "Mimic Controller Player LEDs" for the backlight LED features to work.

The majority of these Mods are disabled in-game by default (example: Yellow LED on first load means both Rapid Fire and Burst Fire are disabled, and a quick tap of LT+D-PAD UP will enable Rapid Fire, demonstrated with the LED changing to Pink), so when using this GamePack for the first time, be sure to check each Mod in-game to make sure everything is enabled or disabled precisely the way you want. With the built-in Toggles and LED notifications, this should take only a couple of minutes and will also make you familiar with how to use and configure the GamePack. We have found this eliminates almost all issues that users have using GamePacks on a CronusMAX PLUS.

In-Game Button Layout

Setup Step 1

All default Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 button layout options are available in this GamePack including all Bumper/Trigger swapped options. Use the GCI (see below) to select the one you are using, and the GamePack will automatically adjust all the Mods to your preferred choice.

This step is critical. If you don't select the correct button layout that you are using in-game, the Mods will not function correctly, especially Anti-Recoil. Use these game provided layouts for optimal GamePack performance.









One-Hand Gunslinger

Bumper Jumper

Bumper Jumper Tactical

Stick and Move

Default [Swapped]

Tactical [Swapped]

Lefty [Swapped]

NOM4D [Swapped]

Charlie [Swapped]

One-Hand Gunslinger [Swapped]

Bumper Jumper [Swapped]

Bumper Jumper Tactical [Swapped]

Stick and Move [Swapped]


In-Game Stick Layout

Setup Step 2

All default Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 thumbstick layout options are available in this GamePack. Use the GCI (see below) to select the one you are using, and the GamePack will automatically adjust all the Mods to your preferred choice.

This step is critical. If you don't select the correct thumbstick layout that you are using in-game, the Mods will not function correctly, especially Anti-Recoil. Use these game provided layouts for optimal GamePack performance.







Legacy Southpaw


GamePack Mods - Toggles

A great feature of GamePacks is that many of the Mods work together and can be enabled at the same time, making them especially potent. However, for maximum effect, some of them need to be quickly enabled/disabled during gameplay, depending on the type of Mod and its features. This requires what we call 'Toggles.'

Toggles are designed to give you the ability to instantly change the configuration of certain Mods that require fast access with a simple pre-configured button combo. Some Mods are 'Speed Toggles', and this means they can be enabled/disabled instantly while gaming and some are 'Menu Toggles,' which means you have to access the incredibly useful MOD Menu (see below). From there, you can change the configuration of multiple Mods without complicated button combos. When the MOD Menu is active (flashing blue Cronus LED), all Mods will be suspended to stop any interference with gameplay.

Speed Toggles also require a slightly longer press to prevent accidental triggering (only 500ms), and all toggles have rumble feedback and LED notifications. Some Mod options are set in the GCI and then Enabled or Disabled in-game using a toggle. You can also check the status of any Mod in the MOD Menu by merely pressing its activation button. For example, if Menu Toggle is LT+D-PAD UP, the activation button is D-PAD UP. When in the MOD Menu, press D-PAD UP and the LED will either flash Green or Red to tell you if the Mod is enabled or disabled.


Enter MOD Menu


Led: MOD Menu Open = Blink Blue.

Press Toggle again to save settings and exit.

Rapid Fire

Mod 1 - Speed Toggle

When Rapid Fire is enabled, you can turn virtually any semi-automatic weapon into a deadly, fully automatic weapon. This creates a very unique advantage for players using semi-automatic weapons and some shotguns too. Rapid Fire is not meant for fully automatic weapons, however it can have positive side effects such as reducing recoil, helping players conserve ammunition and achieve more headshots due to a slower, more controlled fire rate. Includes Anti-ModBlock Technology which prevents game developers from detecting you're using Rapid Fire based Mods - exclusive to Cronus!


Rapid Fire can only be enabled when Burst Fire is disabled. For your convenience, whenever the Rapid Fire Speed Toggle is enabled, Burst Fire will be automatically disabled, and vice versa. We've also included useful LED notifications so you can quickly check if Rapid Fire is Enabled, Disabled or if both Rapid Fire and Burst Fire is disabled.

Rapid Fire Enabled

Rapid Fire Disabled

Rapid & Burst Fire Disabled

Burst Fire Disabled

Burst Fire Enabled

Both Disabled

This Mod is disabled in-game by default; however, it can be enabled (or disabled) via a Speed Toggle during gameplay. Once enabled, the Mod will activate based on your GCI selection.


Speed Toggle


Led: Mod On = Blink Green, Mod Off = Blink Red.

You can also set up a custom Rapid Fire speed rate in the GCI and in-game using an Adjustable Toggle (See images below). As always, the fire rate depends on the type of weapon used. Adjustable Range is 1 - 25 Rounds Per Second (Optimum default is 5). Don't forget to share your best settings in the CRONUS COMMUNITY SUPPORT TOPIC for this Mod.

How to Adjust Rapid Fire Speed

Adjustable Toggle




Higher number increases Rate of Fire.

Lower number decreases Rate of Fire.

Press MOD Menu Toggle to exit and test.

Select one of the following options for Rapid Fire in the GCI (see image below). Note: This setting can only be applied in the GCI, not in-game, so whatever option you select here will always be the active choice whenever this Mod is in use.




On Fire

Rapid Fire is enabled anytime the Fire Trigger is pressed (usually RT/R2). It doesn't matter if the Scope (ADS) is being used or not.

ADS Only


Rapid Fire is enabled only when ADS (usually LT/L2) is pressed (usually RT/R2).


Burst Fire

Mod 2 - Speed Toggle

Burst firing is designed to turn semi-automatic and automatic weapons into full burst firing weapons. When this feature is enabled, your weapon will fire in an optimum number of bursts. Burst firing can help increase precision, reduce recoil and conserve ammunition.


Burst Fire can only be enabled when Rapid Fire is disabled. For your convenience, whenever the Burst Fire Speed Toggle is enabled, Rapid Fire will be automatically disabled, and vice versa. We've also included useful LED notifications so you can quickly check if Burst Fire is Enabled, Disabled or if both Burst Fire and Rapid Fire is disabled.

Burst Fire Disabled

Burst Fire Enabled

Burst & Rapid Fire Disabled

Rapid Fire Enabled

Rapid Fire Disabled

Both Disabled

This Mod is disabled in-game by default; however, it can be enabled (or disabled) via a Speed Toggle during gameplay. Once enabled, the Mod will activate based on your GCI selection.


Speed Toggle


Led: Mod On = Blink Green, Mod Off = Blink Red.

Select one of the following options for Burst Fire in the GCI (see image below). Note: This setting can only be applied in the GCI, not in-game, so whatever option you select here will always be the active choice whenever this Mod is in use.




On Fire

Burst Fire is enabled anytime the Fire Trigger is pressed (usually RT/R2). It doesn't matter if the Scope (ADS) is being used or not.

On ADS and Fire


Burst Fire is enabled when both the ADS (usually LT/L2) and the Fire Triggers are pressed (usually RT/R2).



Mod 3 - Menu Toggle

This version of Anti-Recoil no longer relies on the old Anti-Recoil method of 'static' pulldown. It now knows when to stop in every direction (Y and X Axis) to prevent unwanted compensation when aiming up and aiming down. Remember, there isn't a one-size-fits-all setup for Anti-Recoil sensitivity due to different weapons having different perks and attachments affecting weight distribution. We suggest you try different adjustable values with each weapon and set to whatever you feel works best for you.

This Mod is enabled in-game by default; however, it can be disabled (or enabled) via a Menu Toggle during gameplay. Once enabled, the Mod will activate anytime the Fire Trigger is pulled.


Menu Toggle


Led: Mod On = Blink Green, Mod Off = Blink Red.

Press MOD Menu Toggle to save and test.

You can also setup a custom Anti-Recoil Power in the GCI (See images below) - this will help fine tune your weapon's recoil weight. Adjustable Range is 1 - 100 (Default 24). Don't forget to share your best settings in the CRONUS COMMUNITY SUPPORT TOPIC for this Mod.


If your weapon is moving UP when you fire, you need a LARGER number in the adjustable parameter.

If your weapon is moving DOWN when you fire, you need a SMALLER number in the adjustable parameter.

Remember, higher in-game sensitivity = lower Anti-Recoil values. In-Game sensitivity is usually cranked up to the max when using a mouse.

How to Adjust Anti-Recoil Power

Adjustable Toggle




Lower number decreases weight.

Higher number increases weight.

Press MOD Menu Toggle to exit and test.

Select one of the following options for Anti-Recoil in the GCI (see image below). Note: This setting can only be applied in the GCI, not in-game, so whatever option you select here will always be the active choice whenever this Mod is in use.





Anti-Recoil is activated while firing.


Anti-Recoil with Inverted-Y Axis is activated while firing. (In-Game 'VERTICAL LOOK' setting must be set to 'INVERTED' - see image below).

Bipod Standard

Anti-Recoil is activated while equipped with a Bipod attachment and firing.

Bipod Inverted-Y

Anti-Recoil is activated while equipped with a Bipod attachment and firing. (In-Game 'VERTICAL LOOK' setting must be set to 'INVERTED' - see image below).



Aim Assist

Mod 4 - Menu Toggle

The Aim Assist mod tricks the in-game Aim Assist to always be on by using an exploit that moves the cross-hairs around the actual aim point in a diamond pattern. so when the target it moving it fools the game into thinking you're tracking with the target and it will pull the cross-hairs along with it. For more information on how Aim Assist works, check out this informative article from the Cronus Community. Remember, there isn't a one-size-fits-all setup for Aim Assist due to different weapons having different perks and attachments affecting weight distribution. We suggest you try different adjustable values with each weapon and set to whatever you feel works best for you.

This Mod is disabled in-game by default; however, it can be enabled (or disabled) via a Menu Toggle during gameplay. Once enabled, the Mod will activate anytime ADS is pulled.


Menu Toggle


Led: Mod On = Blink Green, Mod Off = Blink Red.

Press MOD Menu Toggle to save and test.

You can also set a custom Aim Assist Strength value in the GCI (See image below) - this will help fine tune your weapon's offset from the original aim point. Adjustable Range is 10 - 100 (Default 24). Don't forget to share your best settings in the CRONUS COMMUNITY SUPPORT TOPIC for this Mod.


The Aim Assist Offset Value is measured from the Aim Point. The larger the value, the bigger the offset. The bigger the offset, the more cross-hair shaking you will experience, but a stronger Aim Assist.

How to Adjust Aim Assist Strength

Adjustable Toggle




Lower number decreases offset.

Higher number increases offset.

Press MOD Menu Toggle to exit and test.


ADS/Fire Sensitivity

Mod 5 - MOD Menu

This option allows you to customize the speed at which your cross-hairs move while aiming and firing.

You can set a custom ADS/Fire Sensitivity value in the GCI (See image below) - this will help fine tune your cross-hair speed. Adjustable Range is 50 - 300 (Default 100 - meaning 100% of the stick input is sent to the console). Don't forget to share your best settings in the CRONUS COMMUNITY SUPPORT TOPIC for this Mod.


The higher the value the faster your cross-hairs will move in response to stick input.  Lower values require greater stick input to move the cross-hairs.

How to Adjust ADS/Fire Sensitivity

Adjustable Toggle




Lower number decreases sensitivity.

Higher number increases sensitivity.

Press MOD Menu Toggle to exit and test.


Quick Scope

Mod 6 - Speed Toggle

The Quick Scope Mod will automatically scope in, take a shot, and scope out. Perfecting the aiming and timing will allow you to become a one-man commando with your ADS weapon.

This Mod is disabled in-game by default; however, it can be enabled (or disabled) via a Speed Toggle during gameplay. Once enabled, the Mod will activate based on your GCI selection.


Speed Toggle


Led: Mod On = Blink Green, Mod Off = Blink Red.

Select one of the following options for Quick Scope in the GCI (see images below). Note: This setting can only be applied in the GCI, not in-game, so whatever option you select here will always be the active choice whenever this Mod is in use. You can also set a custom Quick Scope Animation Delay time in the GCI . A brief pause is required in-between the ADS and Fire animation, and this value varies from weapon to weapon. The Adjustable Range is 1 - 1000 (Optimum default is 350). Don't forget to share your best settings in the CRONUS COMMUNITY SUPPORT TOPIC for this Mod.





As soon as you press the scope (ADS) Trigger (usually LT/L2), the Mod will automatically scope in, take a shot, and scope out.

Press Sensitive


Same as above but the Quick Scope is activated when the scope (ADS) trigger is FULLY pressed over 95%.



GamePack Author(s): x22DOT

Compatible CronusMAX Firmware: 1.24+

Compatible Controllers: Dualshock 4, Dualshock 3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Wii U Pro

Compatible Systems: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Microsoft Windows

GamePack Support: Click Here

Cronus Discord Channel: Click Here

Toggle Cheat Sheet: Click Here

The Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 GamePack features every major FPS Mod in the toolbox. an exclusive Auto Heal feature and a new powerful Aim Correction Mod, coupled with the popular Anti-Recoil Control System v2. Other essential Assault options include Rapid Fire, Burst Fire, Drop Shot, Jump Shot, Side Shot, Auto Sprint, and Hair Triggers. All the different default button layouts are also supported, including Tactical, Lefty, NOM4D, Charlie, One Hand Gun Slinger, Bumper Jumper, Bumper Jumper Tactical, and Stick and Move - as well as all Bumper/Trigger swap variants. We will not be responsible for all the complaints you're going to get for using this monster!

Special thanks to Batts for his help on this GamePack.

We also invite you to join the Cronus Discord Channel - setup and run by members of the Cronus Community. There are several channels dedicated to GamePacks which offer live support and feedback, including direct support from senior members of the Cronus Community. Use this link to join our server:

GamePack GCI Options

All GamePacks have Mods that can be tuned and customized to your preference. This scripting engine is what makes the CronusMAX so powerful and extremely popular with the gaming community. Gaming Mod configuration is now made more accessible than ever before with the new GCI (GamePack Configuration Interface) . It pops up as soon as you program the GamePack to your Cronus ( Video ). Some Mods can be directly enabled/disabled here, and some are disabled in-game by default, but have several available options that can be set here and then enabled or activated while in-game.

GamePack Setup

If you have a CronusMAX PLUS, open the Cronus PRO software and go to Tools > Options > CMax Plus and enable "Mimic Controller Player LEDs" for the backlight LED features to work.

In-Game Button Layout

Setup Step 1

All default Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 button layout options are available in this GamePack including all Bumper/Trigger swapped options. Use the GCI (see below) to select the one you are using, and the GamePack will automatically adjust all the Mods to your preferred choice.


NOTE: This step is critical. If you don't select the correct button layout that you are using in-game, the Mods will not function correctly, especially Anti-Recoil. Use these game provided layouts for optimal GamePack performance.








One-Hand Gunslinger

Bumper Jumper

Bumper Jumper Tactical

Stick and Move

Default [Swapped]

Tactical [Swapped]

Lefty [Swapped]

NOM4D [Swapped]

Charlie [Swapped]

One-Hand Gunslinger [Swapped]

Bumper Jumper [Swapped]

Bumper Jumper Tactical [Swapped]

Stick and Move [Swapped]


In-Game Button Layout

Setup Step 1

All default Call of Duty: Modern Warfare button layout options are available in this GamePack including Bumper/Trigger Swap. Use the GCI (see below) to select the one you are using, and the GamePack will automatically adjust all the Mods to your preferred choice.

Important In-Game Setting

This step is critical. If you don't select the correct button layout that you are using in-game, the Mods will not function correctly, especially Anti-Recoil. Use these game provided layouts for optimal GamePack performance.





Bumper/Trigger Swap




NOM4D/Charlie Tactical

NOM4D/Charlie Lefty

Bumper Jumper

Bumper Jumper Tactical

One-Hand Gunslinger

Stick and Move




In-Game Stick Layout

Setup Step 2

All default Call of Duty: Modern Warfare thumbstick layout options are available in this GamePack. Use the GCI (see below) to select the one you are using, and the GamePack will automatically adjust all the Mods to your preferred choice.

Important In-Game Setting

This step is critical. If you don't select the correct thumbstick layout that you are using in-game, the Mods will not function correctly, especially Anti-Recoil. Use these game provided layouts for optimal GamePack performance.







Legacy Southpaw

Southpaw No Click Swap

Legacy Southpaw No Click Swap


GamePack Mods - Toggles

A great feature of GamePacks is that many of the Mods work together and can be enabled at the same time, making them especially potent. However, for maximum effect, some of them need to be quickly enabled/disabled during gameplay, depending on the type of Mod and its features. This requires what we call 'Toggles.'

Toggles are designed to give you the ability to instantly change the configuration of certain Mods that require fast access with a simple pre-configured button combo. Some Mods are 'Speed Toggles', and this means they can be enabled/disabled instantly while gaming and some are 'Menu Toggles,' which means you have to access the incredibly useful MOD Menu (see below). From there, you can change the configuration of multiple Mods without complicated button combos. When the MOD Menu is active (flashing blue Cronus LED), all Mods will be suspended to stop any interference with gameplay.

Speed Toggles also require a slightly longer press to prevent accidental triggering (only 500ms), and all toggles have rumble feedback and LED notifications. Some Mod options are set in the GCI and then Enabled or Disabled in-game using a toggle.


Enter MOD Menu


Led: MOD Menu Open = Blink Blue.

Press Toggle again to save settings and exit.

Rapid Fire Mode

Mod 1 - Speed Toggle

When Rapid Fire is enabled, you can turn virtually any semi-automatic weapon into a deadly, fully automatic weapon. This creates a very unique advantage for players using semi-automatic weapons and some shotguns too. Rapid Fire is not meant for fully automatic weapons, however it can have positive side effects such as reducing recoil, helping players conserve ammunition and achieve more headshots due to a slower, more controlled fire rate.

A new exclusive Mod is Dynamic Rapid Fire where the rate of fire is tied to the amount that the Right Trigger is pulled. When fully pressed the weapon will fire at it's fastest rate.  Barely pulling the trigger can be used to Tap or Burst fire automatic weapons. Includes Anti-ModBlock Technology which prevents game developers from detecting you're using Rapid Fire based Mods - exclusive to Cronus!


Rapid Fire can only be enabled when Burst Fire is disabled. For your convenience, whenever the Rapid Fire Speed Toggle is enabled, Burst Fire will be automatically disabled, and vice versa. We've also included useful LED notifications so you can quickly check if Rapid Fire is Enabled, Disabled or if both Rapid Fire and Burst Fire is disabled.

Rapid Fire Enabled

Rapid Fire Disabled

Rapid & Burst Fire Disabled

Burst Fire Disabled

Burst Fire Enabled

Both Disabled

This Mod is disabled in-game by default; however, it can be enabled (or disabled) via a Speed Toggle during gameplay. Once enabled, the Mod will activate based on your GCI selection.


Speed Toggle


Led: Mod On = Blink Green, Mod Off = Blink Red.

Select one of the following options for Rapid Fire in the GCI (see images below). Note: These settings can only be applied in the GCI, not in-game, so whatever options you select here will always be the active choice whenever this Mod is in use.




Mod Disabled

Rapid Fire is disabled (Yellow LED or White LED if Burst Fire is Enabled).

Adjustable Rate
Adjustable using MOD Menu Toggles

The rate of fire can be set either in the GCI or by MOD Menu Toggle (see more details below).


Rate set by the amount of trigger pull

Dynamic Rapid Fire where the rate of fire is tied to the amount that the Right Trigger is pulled. When fully pressed the weapon will fire at it's fastest rate.  Barely pulling the trigger can be used to Tap or Burst fire automatic weapons.

When Option 2 Adjustable Rate is selected, you can set a custom Rapid Fire speed rate in the GCI (see image below), and in-game by using an Adjustable Toggle in the MOD Menu. As always, the fire rate depends on the type of weapon used. Adjustable Range is 1 - 25 Rounds Per Second (Optimum default is 5). Don't forget to share your best settings in the CRONUS COMMUNITY SUPPORT TOPIC for this Mod.

How to Adjust Rapid Fire Speed

Adjustable Toggle




Higher number increases Rate of Fire.

Lower number decreases Rate of Fire.

Press MOD Menu Toggle to exit and test.

Select one of the following options for how you wish to activate Rapid Fire. Note: These settings can only be applied in the GCI, not in-game, so whatever options you select here will always be the active choice whenever this Mod is in use.




On Fire

Rapid Fire is enabled anytime the Fire Trigger is pressed (usually RT/R2 unless you have the Bumper/Trigger Layout enabled). It doesn't matter if the Scope (ADS) is being used or not.

On ADS and Fire


Rapid Fire is enabled when both the ADS (usually LT/L2) and the Fire Triggers are pressed (usually RT/R2).


Burst Fire

Mod 2 - Speed Toggle

Burst firing is designed to turn semi-automatic and automatic weapons into full burst firing weapons. When this feature is enabled, your weapon will fire in an optimum number of bursts. Burst firing can help increase precision, reduce recoil and conserve ammunition.


Burst Fire can only be enabled when Rapid Fire is disabled. For your convenience, whenever the Burst Fire Speed Toggle is enabled, Rapid Fire will be automatically disabled, and vice versa. We've also included useful LED notifications so you can quickly check if Burst Fire is Enabled, Disabled or if both Burst Fire and Rapid Fire is disabled.

Burst Fire Disabled

Burst Fire Enabled

Burst & Rapid Fire Disabled

Rapid Fire Enabled

Rapid Fire Disabled

Both Disabled

This Mod is disabled in-game by default; however, it can be enabled (or disabled) via a Speed Toggle during gameplay. Once enabled, the Mod will activate based on your GCI selection.


Speed Toggle


Led: Mod On = Blink Green, Mod Off = Blink Red.

Select one of the following options for Burst Fire in the GCI (see image below). Note: This setting can only be applied in the GCI, not in-game, so whatever option you select here will always be the active choice whenever this Mod is in use.




On Fire

Burst Fire is enabled anytime the Fire Trigger is pressed (usually RT/R2 unless you have the Bumper/Trigger Layout enabled). It doesn't matter if the Scope (ADS) is being used or not.

On ADS and Fire


Burst Fire is enabled when both the ADS (usually LT/L2) and the Fire Triggers are pressed (usually RT/R2).



Mod 3 - Menu Toggle

This version of Anti-Recoil no longer relies on the old Anti-Recoil method of 'static' pulldown. It now knows when to stop in every direction (Y and X Axis) to prevent unwanted compensation when aiming up and aiming down. Remember, there isn't a one-size-fits-all setup for Anti-Recoil sensitivity due to different weapons having different perks and attachments affecting weight distribution. We suggest you try different adjustable values with each weapon and set to whatever you feel works best for you.

This Mod is disabled in-game by default; however, it can be enabled (or disabled) via a Menu Toggle during gameplay. Once enabled, the Mod will activate anytime the Fire Trigger is pulled.


Menu Toggle


Led: Mod On = Blink Green, Mod Off = Blink Red.

Press MOD Menu Toggle to save and test.

You can also setup a custom Anti-Recoil Power in the GCI (See images below) - this will help fine tune your weapon's recoil weight. Adjustable Range is 1 - 100 (Default 24). Don't forget to share your best settings in the CRONUS COMMUNITY SUPPORT TOPIC for this Mod.


If your weapon is moving UP when you fire, you need a LARGER number in the adjustable parameter.

If your weapon is moving DOWN when you fire, you need a SMALLER number in the adjustable parameter.

Remember, higher in-game sensitivity = lower Anti-Recoil values. In-Game sensitivity is usually cranked up to the max when using a mouse.

How to Adjust Anti-Recoil Power

Adjustable Toggle




Lower number decreases weight.

Higher number increases weight.

Press MOD Menu Toggle to exit and test.

Select one of the following options for Anti-Recoil in the GCI (see image below). Note: This setting can only be applied in the GCI, not in-game, so whatever option you select here will always be the active choice whenever this Mod is in use.





Anti-Recoil is activated while firing (usually RT/R2 unless you have the Bumper/Trigger Layout enabled).


Anti-Recoil with Inverted-Y Axis is activated while firing (see below).

Important In-Game Setting for Inverted-Y

This step is critical. 'Invert Vertical Look' setting must be set to 'Enabled' - see image below. Press LT + D-PAD UP to activate in-game (Green LED = On, Red LED = Off).



Aim Assist

Mod 4 - Menu Toggle

The Aim Assist mod tricks the in-game Aim Assist to always be on by using an exploit that moves the cross-hairs around the actual aim point in a diamond pattern. so when the target is moving it fools the game into thinking you're tracking with the target and it will pull the cross-hairs along with it. For more information on how Aim Assist works, check out this informative article from the Cronus Community. Remember, there isn't a one-size-fits-all setup for Aim Assist due to different weapons having different perks and attachments affecting weight distribution. We suggest you try different adjustable values with each weapon and set to whatever you feel works best for you.

This Mod is disabled in-game by default; however, it can be enabled (or disabled) via a Menu Toggle during gameplay. Once enabled, the Mod will activate anytime ADS is pulled.


Menu Toggle


Led: Mod On = Blink Green, Mod Off = Blink Red.

Press MOD Menu Toggle to save and test.

You can also set a custom Aim Assist Strength value in the GCI (See image below) - this will help fine tune your weapon's offset from the original aim point. Adjustable Range is 10 - 100 (Default 24). Don't forget to share your best settings in the CRONUS COMMUNITY SUPPORT TOPIC for this Mod.


The Aim Assist Offset Value is measured from the Aim Point. The larger the value, the bigger the offset. The bigger the offset, the more cross-hair shaking you will experience, but a stronger Aim Assist.

How to Adjust Aim Assist Strength

Adjustable Toggle




Lower number decreases offset.

Higher number increases offset.

Press MOD Menu Toggle to exit and test.


Jitter Mod

Mod 5 - Speed/Menu Toggles

Jitter Mods are probably the most controversial in gaming because it's taking advantage of an exploit in the game that gives the ability to fire shotguns and other compatible weapons at an ungodly rate. It's a devastating Mod that is also horribly unfair, so expect lot's of your opponents to complain - loudly (if they get a chance to recover after being melted by your Cronus). There are two great Jitter Mods in this GamePack for Modern Warfare with support for MULTIPLE weapons, Jitter #1 (725, Origin 12 Shotgun, R9-0 Shotgun, EBR-14, .50 GS, .357 & Dragunov) & Jitter #2 (Origin 12, .50 GS, M19, 1911, X16 & Dragunov) and we give you the option to connect one of these Jitter Mods to its own Speed Toggle so you can easily access it while in-game. When the Jitter Mod is first activated, Jitter #1 will enable as default.


What is a Jitter Mod? Jitter is an advanced feature intended for use by experienced Mod users. It uses (and abuses) a glitch in some games that allows weapons to shoot way faster than usual - weapons that usually have no effect with a standard Rapid Fire script, especially shotgun type weapons. As you can imagine, this is not allowed, and it's quite apparent when you're using it, so be careful - it makes players VERY angry. If abused (staying in the same lobby, repeatedly using the Mod, slaughtering the same people over and over), you will likely be reported and possibly banned. It is not because they have detected the CronusMAX device (not possible), but because you were obviously using an exploit.

You can expect erratic movements and some screen shaking - but all of that will mean little once you proudly see the carnage left in your wake.

Video Demo

This Mod is disabled in-game by default; however, it can be enabled (or disabled) via a Speed Toggle during gameplay. Once enabled, the Mod will activate based on your GCI selection.

Active Jitter Mod


Speed Toggle


Led: Mod On = Blink Green, Mod Off = Blink Red.

Select Active Mod in the MOD Menu (see below).

You easily can easily select from two different Jitter Mods via a Menu Toggle during gameplay. This selection will be connected to the above Speed Toggle. Once enabled, the selected Jitter Mod will activate when you pull the Fire Trigger ONLY. Pressing ADS+Fire will fire as normal without Jitter.


Must use Amped Perk & Tactical Stun Grenade


Menu Toggle

Led: Activate Jitter Mod = Blink Green

Press MOD Menu Toggle to save selection and test.

Active Jitter Toggle is LT/L2 + X/SQUARE


Must use Amped Perk & Lethal Claymore or Amped Perk & Throwing Knife for no recoil


Menu Toggle

Led: Activate Jitter Mod = Blink Green

Press MOD Menu Toggle to save selection and test.

Active Jitter Toggle is LT/L2 + X/SQUARE

Select one of the following options for Shotgun Jitter Mods in the GCI (see image below).




Mod Disabled

All Jitter Mods are disabled and cannot be activated in-game.

Mod Enabled

As soon as you press the Fire Trigger (usually RT/R2 unless you have the Bumper/Trigger Layout enabled), the selected Jitter Mod will activate. Pressing ADS+Fire will fire as normal without Jitter. Jitter Mod #1 is activated by default. You can select which Jitter # is active via a Menu Toggle (see below).

Important In-Game Setting for Jitter Mods

This step is critical. 'Equipment Behavior' must be set to 'Toggle' - see image below). Press LT+X/SQUARE to enable your chosen Jitter Mod in-game (Green LED = On, Red LED = Off).



Steady Aim

Mod 6 - Speed Toggle

If you are using a scope weapon like a sniper rifle, this mod will make your character take an inhale of breath, and steady your aim by a significant amount.

This Mod is disabled by default; however, it can be enabled via a Speed Toggle during gameplay. There is no GCI option required for this Mod. Once enabled, the Mod will activate when you press and hold ADS.


Speed Toggle


Led: Mod On = Blink Green, Mod Off = Blink Red.

Hold B/CIRCLE to Activate


Drop/Jump/Strafe Shot Modes

Mod 7 - Speed Toggle

Enable the Drop Shot Mod by using the Toggle below. Press Fire (usually RT/R2 unless you have the Bumper/Trigger Layout enabled), and your character will rapidly drop in and out of prone position while firing. This Mod is useful for players that like to maintain stealth while reducing their target profile. It also assists with increased accuracy in combat.

This Mod is disabled in-game by default; however, it can be enabled (or disabled) via a Speed Toggle during gameplay. Once enabled, the Mod will activate based on your GCI selection.

Drop Shot


Speed Toggle


Led: Mod On = Blink Green, Mod Off = Blink Red.

Enable the Jump Shot Mod by using the Toggle below. Press Fire usually RT/R2 unless you have the Bumper/Trigger Layout enabled), and you will jump while shooting. This Mod makes you a harder target while confusing the enemy in the process.

This Mod is disabled in-game by default; however, it can be enabled (or disabled) via a Speed Toggle during gameplay. Once enabled, the Mod will activate based on your GCI selection.

Jump Shot


Speed Toggle


Led: Mod On = Blink Green, Mod Off = Blink Red.

Enable the Strafe Shot Mod by using the Toggle below. Press Fire usually RT/R2 unless you have the Bumper/Trigger Layout enabled),, and you will strafe sideways while firing your weapon. This Mod makes you a harder target while confusing the enemy in the process.

This Mod is disabled in-game by default; however, it can be enabled (or disabled) via a Speed Toggle during gameplay. Once enabled, the Mod will activate based on your GCI selection.

Strafe Shot


Speed Toggle


Led: Mod On = Blink Green, Mod Off = Blink Red.

Set the following options for these Shot Modes in the GCI (see image below). Note: This setting can only be applied in the GCI, not in-game, so whatever option you select here will always be the active choice whenever this Mod is in use.




On Fire

Select Shot Mode is activated anytime the Fire Trigger is pressed (usually RT/R2 unless you have the Bumper/Trigger Layout enabled). It doesn't matter if the Scope (ADS) is being used or not.


Select Shot Mode is activated only when the ADS (scope) Trigger is pressed (usually LT/L2).

On ADS and Fire

Select Shot Mode is activated when both the ADS (usually LT/L2) and the Fire Triggers are pressed (usually RT/R2).


Super Sprint

Mod 8

If you are tired of constantly pressing the left analog stick to make your character sprint, or if you can't quite double tap LS fast enough to activate tactical sprint mode, the Super Sprint Mod is just what you need.

This Mod is disabled by default; however, it can be changed in the GCI (see image below). There is no Toggle for this option so it cannot be changed during gameplay.




Mod Disabled

All Super Sprint Mods are disabled.


Your character will automatically sprint if the analog stick is almost fully pressed forward (>95%). The character will walk regular speed if the analog stick is only slightly pressed forward.

Tactical Sprint

Your character will automatically sprint in the faster tactical mode if the analog stick is almost fully pressed forward (>95%). The character will walk regular speed if the analog stick is only slightly pressed forward. This Mod causes you to move more quickly than a sprint, but with your weapon pointed up and held in one hand, lengthening the time it takes to aim and engage the gun.


Hair Triggers

Mod 9

Battlefield applies a "dead-zone" to the trigger buttons, which means the triggers (either shooting or ADS) need to be pressed almost half way down before they are registered by the game. With this Hair Trigger Mod you can ensure your weapon will fire or ADS at the slightest amount of pressure. When using this Mod, the LT/L2 and RT/R2 triggers are digitally converted so that they perform with ultra sensitivity without having to hardwire any extra components to your controller - saving both your warranty, time and money.

This Mod is disabled by default; however, it can be enabled in the GCI (see image below). There is no Toggle for this option so it cannot be changed during gameplay.




Mod Disabled

Hair Triggers are disabled.

Mod Enabled

Fire or ADS will now activate at the slightest amount of pressure.


Utility Toggles

Utility toggles are designed to give you additional control of the GamePack in real-time. A simple tap of a pre-configured button combo and the toggle is instantly activated. All toggles have rumble feedback and LED notifications if enabled.

Global Killswitch

Utility 1 - Speed Toggle

Quickly enable or disable the entire GamePack with this convenient killswitch toggle.


Speed Toggle


Led: GamePack On = Pink LED

(White LED if Rapid Fire is disabled)
(Yellow LED if both Rapid & Burst Fire are disabled)

GamePack Off = No LED


Automatic PS4 Crossover

When this GamePack is being used on a PlayStation 4 and detects the connected controller is not a DualShock 4, it will automatically reassign Touchpad to the Select/Back/View Button and enable a toggle to the PS4 Share Screen.

Crossover Shortcut to DualShock 4 Touchpad:

Toggle to PlayStation 4 Share Screen:


If you find your GamePack isn't working correctly, the memory in the Cronus device where the settings are stored may have become corrupted. In this case, we recommend that you erase your memory slots using the Cronus Pro option in Tools > Device Cleanup > Erase Memory Slots. There will be an option to clear the memory slots in Cronus Pro. This step is not necessary, although recommended if you're not using the other slots.

If you're still having issues and want to check that your Cronus Device is functioning correctly with scripts, but you're not too sure how to test, we recommend you try out the easy to use Cronus Stress Test Script by Cronus Community senior staff member, Lex Lost.


When using this GamePack for the first time, be sure to check each Mod to make sure everything is enabled or disabled precisely the way you want. With the built-in Toggles and LED notifications, this should take only a couple of minutes and will also make you familiar with how to use and configure the GamePack. We have found this eliminates almost all issues that users have.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019) GamePack - Toggle Cheat Sheet



Rapid Fire Mode

Burst Fire

Jitter Mod #1 or #2

Steady Aim

Drop Shot

Jump Shot

Strafe Shot


MOD Menu

PS4 Share Screen
(Crossover Controllers)

Global Kill Switch




Aim Assist

Adjustable Mods

Anti-Recoil -1

Anti-Recoil +1

Rate of Fire -1

Rate of Fire +1

Aim Assist -1

Aim Assist +1

Jitter Mod #1

Jitter Mod #2

Press LT + MENU/OPTIONS again to save settings and exit MOD Menu.

Call of Duty® is a registered trademark or trademarks of Activision Publishing, Inc.® in the United States and/or other countries.

The "PS" Family logo is a registered trademark and "PS4" is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.

Microsoft, Xbox One and the Xbox logos are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies.

Other product names used herein are for identification purposes only and might be trademarks of their respective companies. We disclaim any and all rights to those marks.

Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Aim Assist Ps4
