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Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Zombies Classified Easter Egg

Call of Duty Black Ops 4 has a main easter egg in Classified Zombies Map. This step-by-step guide shows how to solve the main easter egg in Classified DLC.

The end goal of the easter egg is to get the Project Skadi prototype (aka Winter's Howl) for the trophy Cold War Remedy.

Note: Use the Welling revolver as your starting weapon and take Frag grenades or Acid Bombs with you as well, as they are needed to complete later steps of the easter egg.

Step 1

Interact with the closed window in the corner between the Escargot wall-buy and the Brew perk machine in the Main Offices, 5 times. A man will start talking to you for about 20-40 seconds each time. Upon the 5th time, Samantha will actually talk to you and Nova 6 gas crawlers will start spawning in. Melee all of them to get up to about 4500+ points, which is a very helpful point boost for round 1. Make sure you also grab the shield part in the Central Filing area before taking the lift to the War Room.

Step 2

After coming down the right flight of stairs in the War Room, turn right again so you are looking at the Cola perk machine and the ICR-7 wall-buy. In between those two, in front of the Pack-A-Punch room entrance, you will be able to spot a small box that contains several keys. Interact with it to pick up the key.

Step 3

Make your way back up the lift and head over to the Main Office again. Once in here, interact with a locked desk right in front of you. In here you will find a picture with a 4 digit code on it, make sure to remember it well or write it down. The picture also shows you a zombie map layout from a previous game, try to remember what map it is as well. Here is a picture of Der Riese and my personal code for that game was 2272 .

Step 4

Head down to the Laboratories and turn on the power. Now make your way over to teleporter 3 over at the Weapon Testing room. There is a window that can be barricaded and in that room you can see a massive metal container with a yellow sign on it that says "Attention". You now have to try and throw a grenade behind it. Either a Frag grenade or an Acid Bomb, as it appears that the Wraith Fire cannot be used for this step. If done correctly, a picture of Shangri-La will appear on the right side of the barricade with another 4 digit code. In my case a 6413 .

Step 5

Head back to the War Room and initiate Defcon 5. You do this by flipping all the Defcon switches on both levels of the War Room. For this Easter Egg, however, you have to activate them in a certain order. That order is:

  1. War Room: Upper Level – The switch in the back of the upper level, nearest to the Spitfire wall-buy. There is also a big monitor to the left of it.
  2. Server Room – The server room is located in the back of the lower level and you will have to open a door in order to get to it. There is only one Defcon switch in here and it will be clearly visible in the back of the room on the left, as soon as you enter.
  3. War Room: Upper Level – Now interact with the second switch on the upper level. Simply turn to the right after coming up the stairs and you will see it.
  4. War Room: Lower Level – The final switch will be right in front of you if you come down the left set of stairs, hard to miss.

Now that this is done, head over to the teleporter in the War Room and step inside.

Step 6

You are now in the Panic Room and you have to interact with one of the TVs on the left wall. It's the one on the bottom row that is flickering, not the one showing an actual picture. The TV will slide back into the wall and reveal another picture with your third 4 digit code. The picture shows Kino der Toten and in my game the code was 6727 .

Step 7

You need to get an explosive weapon, so make your way over to Area 51 and pack-a-punch your Welling starting pistol, the Mustang and Sally of this game (See How to Pack-a-Punch in Classified). Now make your way up to the Deserted Hallway on the top floor of the map. You will see 4 pictures of former American presidents here. You have to shot them in a certain order, which hasn't been fully figured out at this point (I will update this guide once it has). The orders that seem to work most of the time are:

  1. Benjamin Franklin (3rd)
  2. Abraham Lincoln (4th)
  3. Alexander Hamilton (2nd)
  4. Benjamin Franklin (3rd)


  1. George Washington (1st)
  2. Alexander Hamilton (2nd)
  3. Benjamin Franklin (3rd)
  4. Abraham Lincoln (4th)

Once this has been done, the plate of George Washington will slide open and reveal your fourth and final 4 digit code. On the picture you will see Shi No Numa and in my game the code was 6044 .

Step 8

Head back to the War Room: Lower Level and use the panel right in the middle of the room to enter your 4 codes. You do this by shooting a number on the board to make it change and you confirm your entry by holding square on the button on the right side.  The order you have to enter the codes in is:

  1. Shi No Numa -> 6044
  2. Der Riese -> 2272
  3. Shangri-La -> 6413
  4. Kino der Toten -> 6727

After the 4th code has been correctly entered you'll hear the Pentagon announcer say that Project Skadi has been successfully retrieved, which will also be displayed on the monitor that you just used to enter the codes.

Step 9

Teleport to Area 51 again and survive 3 rounds here without leaving the area. This will open up the barricades on the left side of the Pack-A-Punch machine and reveal a suitcase with the Winter's Howl wonder weapon in it. Simply pick it up to get the trophy.

Important: Only the person that picks up the weapon will get the trophy/ achievement!

Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Zombies Classified Easter Egg
