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How to Reach Out to Someone About a Job

Finding open job opportunities is never easy. You may have your eye on a company but can't seem to find out if they have a position available that may be right for you. According to a Bersin by Deloitte report, job boards aren't the sole place to look for new job opportunities as company websites are driving more new hires than any other source these days.

Even if you have done your due diligence and scoured a company website for open positions in your field, getting your foot in the door at a preferred employer may take a little more effort and creativity.

That's why 15 members of Forbes Coaches Council share several creative ways a candidate can inquire and learn about job opportunities at a particular organization without actually asking. Here is what they had to say:

All images courtesy of Forbes Councils members.

1. Don't Ask About Job Opportunities

Ask for information and introductions, not a job. The likelihood of your network knowing of an opportunity that fits your background is slim. But the chances of them sharing valuable information about the company culture or making introductions to others with important insights is high. Work the networking chain, and you will eventually be introduced to someone with a live job lead. - Barbara Safani, Career Solvers

2. Connect With Those In The Position You Want

Candidates should reach out directly to the person in the position they want — not the recruiter or hiring manager. While some recruiters may reply, many are overloaded with LinkedIn messages and emails. Reaching out to someone in the position will allow you to learn how that person got to where they are, and you may also be able to connect with their boss, the hiring manager. - Kyle Elliott, Kyle Elliott Consulting

3. Network Your Way In

Research is the prelude to networking and directly reaching out to hiring managers. By canvassing the company websites, LinkedIn, current articles written by key employees, you will determine the individuals to contact and the issues facing the organization. Connecting on social media and looking at your own network for referrals will allow you to network your way in to inquire about job opportunities. - Donna Poudrier, Hellmann Career Consulting

4. Start With Advice, Not Opportunities

Informational interviews aren't about asking for job opportunities. Instead, they are about making the person feel important and establishing rapport to open more doors on the back end. Appeal to their expertise by asking for feedback on your resume and suggested steps you might take in seeking positions. When asking for referrals, be sure to always follow up after the fact as well. - Laura DeCarlo, Career Directors International

5. Get A Common Connection To Introduce You

Within your LinkedIn account, use the search filter tool to identify second-degree connections that work at the organization you are interested in. The search will show you the first-degree connections you both have in common. Ask one or more of the common connections to make an introduction to the person they know who works at the company. This can create a win-win scenario! - Rick Itzkowich, 501 Connections Inc.

6. Build Relationships First

Create relationships with employees of other firms. When we build relationships, we literally unlock the doors. Consider this, if someone sees you as a friend (or even mutual friend), they will naturally be open to/excited about helping you get connected to new career opportunities. If you're a stranger inquiring about job opportunities, then you're just another stranger in their inbox. - Chizzy Igbokwe, Create Your Global Career

7. Create Dialogue With Informational Interviews

Informational interviews are creative ways to learn about job opportunities. Your initial motive is not to immediately ask about open jobs, but to build relationships so that information begins to flow to you. Have a genuine interest in getting to know someone you've recently met. Inquire about their career path, industry, or innovative ways they've addressed a similar operational challenge. - Vivian Hairston Blade, Experts in Growth Leadership Consulting, LLC

8. Become A Detective

Seek to identify the organization's problems as they relate to your professional skills, strengths and expertise. While job searching and networking, your job is to find problems and qualify those problems to find out if you can help the organization solve them. Carry on to identify the root cause of those problems; immediately come up with a solution and offer to show them how to implement it. - Nader Mowlaee, Career Recovery Academy

9. Be Curious At A Conference

There is nothing like a solid handshake to make a real impression. Attend a conference where the organization has someone speaking. During the Q&A part, ask a question that can showcase your enthusiasm, knowledge and/or skill. Your question must be genuine. After the session, pick up where you left off with the Q&A and ask the presenter how to inquire about job opportunities. - Alexandra Salamis, Integral Leadership Design

10. Send A Letter Of Interest

Send your potential hiring manager a Letter of Interest in the mail. Yes, a physical letter with your resume attached. In the digital age of electronic resume submittals, emails and LinkedIn, a physical letter holds more weight. Don't ask for a job. Acknowledge a recent achievement of the organization and briefly explain the specific value you will bring to their business to make a connection. - Erin Urban, UPPSolutions, LLC

11. Show Up On Their Doorstep

In the paperless-digital era, one solid tactic is to hand deliver a CV to your coveted future employer and escape the algorithms. You may have to apply on their digital job board as well, yet this will give you unique advantage over other candidates. You'll make a healthy first impression and stand out as a candidate striving to connect on an interpersonal level, not just digitally. - Rachel Lourdes Mestre, Marketing Muses

12. Become A Customer, Connect And Collaborate

What better way to find out about culture and potential opportunities than having a customer experience that builds relationships with existing staff? Listen during your service inquiries about the product's benefits and features, and build a relationship with the service professional through discussion. Companies love to hire "known to us" people, so become one of them. - Gayle Draper, Intentional Careers and Human Resources

13. Start With A Compliment

When inquiring about job opportunities at an organization, a candidate might consider starting with (an authentic) compliment, such as "I've been following your organization and have always been super impressed by what your team does!" Following that, the candidate might consider asking a question that could open the door to an interesting follow-up discussion. - Scott Friedman, NeXtGen Advisors LLC

14. Make Sure You Stand Out

Some folks have used PowToons to create an animated video that introduced themselves and their skills. The uniqueness alone made it memorable, and the technology made it easy to share with the hiring team. It was clever, given it was a marketing position. Aligning the approach to the skills that would make you a great fit for that role really knocks it out of the park for those hiring. - Stacey McKibbin, R3 Team

15. Get A Job At Their Coffee Shop

Work in a coffee shop next to the company you are pursuing. Interestingly, I have seen this work for Google, Airbnb, PG&E, and others. Executives have so little time to venture out from their crazy days. They don't go too far for coffee. Stick around, listen, and after a few times seeing them grab their coffee, walk up with confidence and share with them something compelling about you. - Stephynie Malik, Chique Speak

How to Reach Out to Someone About a Job
